小小中文男同志网文首页 lil Gay Chinese Web Novel Homepage

Spring 2023

Visit GayWebNovel.HotGlue.Me

a performance lecture


Photo by Mindy Seu, location: Broad Art Center, Los Angeles
Photo by Mindy Seu, location: Broad Art Center, Los Angeles

Hey there, welcome to our cozy corner at the Lil' Gay Chinese Web Novel Homepage!

Can you believe how the internet has changed our lives since it waltzed into China back in the 90s? It's been like adding a splash of color to our world! Platforms like Tianya and Baidu Tieba have become our go-to spots for sharing stories, like little cafes where we spill our hearts out. But you know what's really heartwarming? Even though these stories are crafted with such care and longing for more eyes to enjoy them, a lot of our talented authors are like little mystery boxes, hiding behind fun nicknames. And most of our stories haven't had the chance to strut their stuff in the big book world yet. There's definitely a big ol' appetite for more recommendations of fabulous gay Chinese stories, too!

You know, it's funny how sometimes the birthdays of these stories slip through the cracks. But not to worry! Our mission here is like a treasure hunt, to dig up all those hidden details. When it's time to share these stories, we like to line them up like old friends, sorted by the dates they first danced onto the scene.

Right now, we're on a mission to gather up all the juiciest and most-loved tales around. Our curator is like a friendly neighborhood detective, sniffing out clues of popularity, like gold stars from Tianya's moderators. And if a story gets showered with love from multiple gay web novel reviews, you can bet it's getting a VIP pass to our storytime party!

You know, there've been others who've tried to bring together gay web novels before, and some websites have already set up cozy little nests to share these stories again. Our little initiative here is like tipping our hats to those earlier projects, and if one of our story gems is already snuggled up on their websites, we're happy to link arms and make the connection. And if a story first fluttered its pages on sites like Tianya, we'll be sure to guide our readers straight to the spot where it first popped into the world.

Visit GayWebNovel.HotGlue.Me